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Snacks & Lunch

Good Nutrition plays an important part in your child's growth and development.

We provide two snacks daily. Nutritious snack menus are distributed and posted quarterly on the bulletin boards by the kitchens



We take allergies very seriously. Allergy lists are posted in all the rooms that food is served.  

If your child has an Epi-pen for any reason you are asked to bring one for us to keep here. 


We only serve healthy snacks. When your child learns good eating habits at a young age, he/she will be more likely to make healthy choices later on in life. Itsy Bitsy Hearts snack menu changes daily and is posted on the bulletin boards by the kitchen so you always know what your child is offered.


is served for the full day children from 11:15am - 12:30pm


For your convenience, and hassle free mornings, you can order a hot lunch for your child from us. ​​​​​


Always freshly cooked, it includes all the food groups and offers your child a nice tasty meal for lunch. You may choose the days you wish to order hot lunches, or you can get them each day your child attends (pre-order the entire month).

You are welcome to make your child a lunch. We have a microwave, and are happy to heat up any items your child wishes to eat warm.

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